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Updates for Version 10.326

Published: 28/08/2023
  • Online.exe no longer clears customer groups
  • ARB Stock Info Screen loading speed improved
  • Lightning Integration V10 - Feature added to be able to select posting pay date
  • Lightning Integration to V10 Amwin
  • Multi Loc - Changing Payment Method changes the ledger to the head loc ledger too
  • New ARB Online API to check stock availability
  • iPhone Stocktake application API to select location from AM-Win
  • Batch stock items added from the iOS Stocktake Application are brought into AM-Win batch already tagged
  • ARB Stock Shows location name in table and not location number V10
  • Ignore Zero Stock option bug fixed
  • Added Include WIP option for Employee Productivity Report, under the Workshop tab in Reports Centre,
  • Completed adding to purchasing bucket using preferred supplier with multi locations
  • Sales module - resolved issue of estimated costs not showing correct total


Published: 27/10/2022
  • BAS report & end of GST period - correct W1 & W2 figures for Monthly PAYG
  • Sales module - resolved billto error message when adding accessories to sale from V10.314
  • Stocktake/Transfer - Resolved issue of this window not working without multi locations in V10.315
  • Purchase order in progress report - resolved issue from V10.313 not working for some customers
  • Job invoicing - resolved issue from V10.313 no records available message appearing when invoicing
  • P&L report - resolved issue in V10.313 of totals not displaying on report
  • Select job invoice window - Resolved issue of jobs with no booked date not appearing
  • Customer orders - resolved Alt-N not displaying notes
  • Redundant Stock Report - resolved issue of parts showing on this report which are on purchase orders
  • AMWTools > Remove Redundant Stock - resolved issue of items getting removed if on purchase order
  • Job import CSV - fixed ability to import this file
  • Sales module > Finance report - improvements to consistency of figures on screen vs report
  • Resolved issue of blank job item causing new job items to get wrong bill to
  • Stocktake/Trasfer - is now enabled and working for multi locations
  • Marketing - Corrected criteria for Over Terms option
  • Purchase order in progress report - resolved issue of orders showing multiple times on report
  • Customer > Document Number Search - enter number to see any quote/invoice/job/etc
  • Integration with Bursons online version
  • Job invoicing > buy in - added ability to pick up default ledger from supplier & related income ledger
  • Inserting new Customer/Job item window - resolved issue of user defined price labels not displaying
  • Reports - resolved issue of budgets not appearing on relevant reports
  • Asset Floorplan - resolved issue of items with zero balance appearing on report
  • Profit & Loss - fixed show budget option
  • Purchase order - resolved issue if in goods in status - changing qty on part was being marked as received
  • Supplier masterfile - fixed security being applied to accounts tab
  • Remittance for floorplan payments - fixed total being incorrect by GST amount
  • Reports > Stock > Stock Movement > Stk Movement By-Loc - fixed security level applied
  • Stock Price List - fixed inactive stock no longer prints
  • Notes on jobs restriction increased from 5,000 to 50,000 characters
  • WIP & SIP report - added Created date to export file
  • Added warning message when purchasing assets where the VIN already exists in Amwin
  • Integration with Bursons web app
  • Stocktake batch - fixed multi-location batch not ignoring Inactive stock
  • Customer orders - Dont allow negative stock option will now block the invoice instead make qty zero
  • AMWTools - added Fix multi location stock qty option
  • Reports > Accounting > Invoice Register > Invoice Register - Added to export Labour Act,Charged,Variance
  • Job invoicing - fixed when selling serialised stock was overriding purchase info with customer info
  • Fixed adding individual part to bucket sometimes missing information
  • Sales module - Fixed the ability to save multiple pictures on assets
  • Added Profit & Loss dissection report with option to select from and to months
  • Received reports of labour lines getting changed to Revenue. Adjusted some code to resolve this
  • Customer credit return - added option to enter reference number which appear on format 11
  • Added Kubota purchase order export format
  • Added security option for ability to delete job or customer order
  • Stock code change - option added to not update history
  • Stocktake batch - fixed issue of stock discrepancy balance not getting updated
  • Supplier masterfile - fixed security not being applied to Enquiry, Payment Register, Aged Analysis buttons
  • Customer masterfile > Discount Matrix, fixed this as most customer were showing as J
  • Sales module > Finance report - corrected Sell Ex value displaying when over 100,000
  • Job invoicing - resolved issue of previewing a job card allowing job to be opened by other operator
  • Purchase order report - added option to only show Catalog items and filter by selected item
  • Workshop diary - removed auto refresh when window regains focus due to reports of Amwin freezing
  • Sales module - applied option to increase font size
  • Job card - fixed bin location for multi locations
  • Customer order picking slip - fixed courier info printing on top of parts
  • Security control - made Administration Control and Management Control redundant options
  • Purchase order can now be partially received with catalog item on back order


Published: 22/06/2022
  • Vital Statistics - Removed Floorplan assets as it is now accounted for in Other Assets
  • Stock with class = Revenue will no longer get added to bucket when add all parts to bucket selected
  • Customer history - added right click option to change part
  • Asset pictures - fixed ability to save more than one picture
  • Updated Epayday Integration to work with new Epayday data structure
  • Added option for purchase order invoice not to auto update to todays date when opened
  • Time manager - when adding hours to a job if ledger 4190 there was no description
  • Customer Orders > Changed text buttons to icons only and separated Save & Invoice buttons
  • Added job card format # 4. can have small image with jobheaderimage.jpg in data folder
  • Asset valuation - now included items on consignment that have been part paid, but not sold
  • Job Invoicing > adding a line was incorrectly updating date on each line in V10.301
  • Given to Neil J
  • Integration with Boyces web app now available
  • Item Register > Invoicing tab is now able to display 8 character customer code
  • Job invoice format 22 - fixed sometimes showing 0 terms
  • Job invoice, customer order invoice & purchase orders - fixed post code able to show 4 or 5 characters
  • AMWTools - corrected spelling of Purge Redundant customer and supplier
  • Sales module Invoice format 3 - added option for additional available options to print at bottom of quote
  • Sales module > Asset Valuation - added option to sort by asset ledger
  • Statement manager - fixed mail merge options was not picking up correct customer information
  • Purchase orders - when changing Due Date there will now be an option to update due date for all parts
  • Scheduler - Resolved issue of some tasks not being able to be moved with mouse
  • Sales module - fixed emailing was opening save to PDF window, instead of email window
  • Resolved issue of enquiry window prior years not being available after end of year process
  • Fixed some supplier credit transactions having different lines going to different months
  • Resolved issue of some supplier June invoices not showing in payment window after year end
  • Corrected W1 & W2 figures on BAS draft and End of GST to be based on wage transactions, not ledger
  • Stocktake - fixed what period is affected when back dating stocktake to June
  • Builders Discount - fixed customer group settings that were not setting price correctly