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Updates for Version 11.086

Published: 17/05/2024
  • The Customer Order Proforma and Customer Order Estimate will now correctly use the Multi Location nominated email body, instead of both Proforma and Order Estimates previously using the email body from the Head Office.
  • Customer Order Invoice Format - the Fax number no longer appears when there is no fax number entered.
  • Within Job Invoice Print options, "Hide Sub Total Extensions" is ticked by default by Option 316.
  • Previously, selecting to print multiple copies but only receiving one copy has been amended to where the selected number of copies are printed successfully.
  • The Job Invoicing screen has been fixed to save when a status is applied. When the "Force Status code incurred on invoice" option is selected from the Control File, the option does not allow a job to be saved without a status being selected.
  • The Journal and Bank Fees buttons are now enabled for Bank Reconciliations.
  • In the Sales Module, the Sales Order delivery address and Item Register have been changed to stop automatically updating when there is a blank customer code in BD04.
  • In the Prospect File, an Internal Customer is now blocked from being selected as it was previously changed the status of Internal Customer to Active.
  • Barcode Label 100 x 150 has a larger job number, going from 12 to 120 characters.
  • Suspended Ledgers are no longer able to be selected as payment methods from the Spend Money window, where previously they were able to be selected by users.
  • Letterhead remittance filename field changed to 20 characters
  • In the Manufactured Job Items screen, the totals were added to the bottom of the reports, with a breakdown between total parts, labour, revenue and total value.
  • Option added to Serialised Stock in AMWTools to enter customer invoice details by Customer, Invoice and Date.
  • A new dropdown option has been added into the AMWIN Employee Productivity Report to show finalised and work in progress jobs. This replaces the existing "Include WIP" tick box.
  • When selecting stock images, the image file path has been adjusted to default to open Multi Locations > Stock Images location to allow user access to stock images based on the location they are logged into.
  • The Stock Intelli-Search window has been amended to prevent a text field search of 1 character and now displays an error message to prompt users to enter more characters to enable their search.
  • GST inc has been added to POS and internal customer cannot be selected from a POS sale.
  • Warning message added to Batch Journals when adding the GST ledger to a batch journal or when processing a batch journal, if journal includes 2999 GST ledger.
  • Unreceive Order Warning - changed the Clear Items option to Delete Goods In and changed the Retain Items in Grid option to Retain Items.
  • Spend Money - Correct description is added to bank line in BD08 when importing batch spend money.
  • Journal Banking date now presents in bank rec without having to manually reconcile from unpresented to presented.
  • Printed Purchase Order no longer includes parts that are for an order number higher than the selected purchase order, during printing.
  • Item Register - When processing a Purchase Order with a record highlighted, the updated information (e.g. purchase info, floorplan info, purchase price) is no longer lost, and is saved to the item in the item register.
  • The Stock Master and Show Change Additional Cost positions have been moved to the first tab and has been increased by the screen size.
  • Saving images now has correct path on a Sales Order. Currently, the images are displayed correctly and has the correct path saved for all images.
  • Stock Master screen has an additional button added to show manufacturing history of where the selected part was manufactured.
  • Daily sales report slowness has been fix since previously added code to calculate AUD based on exchange rate (when multi locations option is on) caused slowness.
  • Daily sales report export fixed to show customer code and name. This includes displaying the name in the report when exported. Additionally, each time the report is exported, a new file is created (instead of overwriting an existing file).
  • P&L and Trial balance - the Balance Sheet now calculates the FX value correctly.
  • Customer Order Estimate - when duplicate error shows, the estimate number is cleared and no longer fills in the customer order estimate nor overwrites the record.
  • Ability to backdate a supplier Purchase/Credit to June while AM-Win is in July and GST period will automatically select correct year.
  • All emails from the Scheduler module have been fixed to send via Print>Detailed>Email Document.
  • Clone Supplier Invoice - PO number allowed to be entered so the original PO number can be used to match what was sent to the supplier.
  • When exporting, the Ledger Activity Report has been updated to show negatives, wherein the Credit is now shown as negative.
  • Customer order estimate is saved as a job estimate when job item code is entered.
  • Brand has been added as a filter in the Stock Intelli-Search window, so products can be searched for by brand.
  • Progressive invoice - When there is serialised stock on job or a customer order invoice, a window opens to ensure correct serial numbers are selected - which allows invoicing process to work.
  • Previously, the Staff Productivity screen would auto refresh each time a filter is changed which was painful in that it took a minute each time. The auto refresh has been disabled and a refresh button has been added to refresh the screen.
  • The option used to prompt for a location when creating a new job has now also been applied to creating a purchase order.
  • Option added to Refresh User List when all Users are logged off (similar to Month End).
  • Jobs and Customer Orders fixed to show general notes message when customer is over terms limit.
  • Employee productivity includes time on estimates - this needs to be filtered out
  • You can now see the operator ID of who entered the transaction from the Stock Inquiry screen.
  • Estimates have been removed from the On-Hold waiting button within the Scheduler module.
  • An option to search for supplier by the supplier ABN has been added to the supplier search button
  • Employees can no longer be deleted from the Employee Masterfile screen inside the Timesheet module.
  • The Sick leave, Carers leave, RDO button, Public Holiday, Unpaid leave and Annual leave options have been removed from the TimeSheet Entry screen as these are not used there.
  • 4 additional user definable buttons have been added to the Timesheet module.
  • When parts are updated from Winparts, the stock items updated will set the checked date to the date they were changed in the stock masterfile.
  • Sales Module - when creating a job, the job now picks up default reserved/issued settings
  • Customer Orders changed back to have Cartons defaulting to 1
  • Purchase Order - Clicking within locator fixed to still enable searching
  • Customer Orders - Changing the carton qty will no longer calculate freight total
  • Move the following POS options onto the control settings POS screen: Use Docket Printer, OPOS Left Offset (change to OPOS not OPUS), Default Payment to cash, Force full payment on COD
  • POS Options button removed from control settings in POS screen.
  • When selecting a price rate the system now uses the customisable price labels.
  • When a POS sale is converted to a customer order, you now have the option to open the order that was created in the customer order screen.
  • You are now able to create employee types from the scheduler module under the employee masterfile link.


Published: 22/01/2024
  • Sales Module - Completing a sale which adds the information to the Job Item Masterfile fixed to add full name in the customer name field
  • Sales Module - Deposits can no longer be taken against quotes, it must be accepted first
  • Job Kit Summary now show labour/revenue price even if it is manually updated
  • Purchase Asset updated to set the location (same change was previously made for Catalog button)
  • Customer Payments improved so after entering first payment, the tab key will go to Method instead of Cash Out
  • Sales Module - Sales order will no longer auto find jobs for Catalog Items (will still auto find for non catalog items)


Published: 16/01/2024
  • Customer Order - Landscape formats fixed (formats 2, 7, 8, 10, 11 ) to print landscape instead of portrait.
  • Multi Currency Exchange Rate Trial Balance report updated to show more information
  • AMWTools new option option added to fix transaction balance totals for Multi Currency/Exchange Rates under Others > Check FX Rates
  • Purchase Order printing labels loading time fixed
  • Bug fixed where estimates in the Customer Masterfile opened as Orders
  • Purchase credits fixed to no longer go into the wrong financial year. New utility made "Update GSTPeriod" to fix existing files
  • Option added to be able to reprint Purchase Order Recipient created tax invoice
  • Trial Balance report fixed to use Multi Currency figures if applicable
  • Suppliers and Reference for parts on jobs fixed to keep correct information when adding to bucket and then creating purchase order
  • Job Reprice fixed so sell price do not update using deal sheets when "Cost Only" is selected
  • Employee Location window now uses same access level as set for Control System in Security Control
  • Fix Delivery Address, AMWTools option, fixed to no longer clear state and postcode for addresses that were already correct
  • Change Stock Ledgercode for Groups, AMWTools option, now have increased ledger ranges available
  • Stock Masterfile - Bug fixed that was not saving reorder levels when logged in location was other than head office
  • Repco settings moved from AMWIN.INI to database to allow for multiple data set settings
  • Bursons settings moved from AMWIN.INI to database to allow for multiple data set settings
  • Option added to allow users to set up custom Labels in AMOnline and then bring them to AM-Win under Others > Maintenance
  • Customer Orders - Bug fixed to save changes on text lines
  • Customer Orders - Print and Email option fixed to open email after printing
  • Purchase Order label print table window bug fixed to have non-allocated records as blank instead of random allocation
  • Daily Sales report fixed to include multi currency figures if applicable
  • Jobcards fixed to allow to print multiple copies
  • Log file updated so the description of deleted invoices is now "Deleted" instead of "Changed"
  • Invoices fixed to no longer have long suburb names entered as delivery addresses cut off
  • Stock Enquiry window enhanced to show correct order number at bottom of the screen
  • Sales Module - Right click option to reprint a recipient created tax invoice
  • Repco Integration updated to use Repco new webhook
  • Statement Manager fixed to not bring up outlook when Attach Batch Invoices is ticked
  • Reversing payments with bundled allocation improved to update balance and unalloc correctly
  • Hubspot - Integration enhanced to only sync customer with option "Sync to CRM" ticked
  • Jobs fixed to no longer be held after closing from Masterfile tabs WIP, SIP, EST
  • Purchase Order Export fixed to no longer send order if it is ticked as "No"
  • Goods In enhanced so that Order No will be the same as Purchase Order number if only one item in the queue
  • AMWTools Redundant Stock Removal option added to remove items that have no groups
  • Journal Entry updated to allow for Multi Currency entry
  • Sales Module adding Accessories fixed to import GST values correctly
  • Sales Module Accessories bug fixed to no longer add invalid stock items when clicking close button after no items were selected
  • Bug fixed in Time Manager when Time Sheet Report occasionally showed over 24hrs or annual leave
  • Do Not Publish field added to Winparts
  • Repricing Job Kits fixed to no longer add GST on Labour and Revenue that is Cost Ex GST
  • Multi Location set up screen has "Letterhead" now changed to "Letterhead/Remittance" for more accuracy
  • Fixed "Add to Bucket stock order" to not carry across customer information into the bucket


Published: 17/11/2023
  • Fix Stock Valuation Prior to Date report to only include stock items and not revenue
  • System option added to auto select "Do Not Publish" for new stock created
  • Ignore Created Date added to Remove Redundant Stock by Sales Date option in AMWTools
  • Remove Redundant Stock by Sales Date option in AMWTools changed to remove parts if the Created, Purchased and Sales date is prior to the selected date
  • Multi Location - Add to bucket fixed to have location based on Stock Location selected from Multi Location setup
  • Fixed so reversing payments no longer doubles the payment amount in the unallocated balance
  • Customer payments print fixed to allow for more than one copy
  • Job Checkin Checklists can now be selected from Amwin Jobs
  • History Log added to scheduler by using ALT-N when a task is opened
  • Repco URL default to be blank to allow for correct address to be inserted
  • Supplier option in Purchase Orders fixed to open the correct price multiplier window
  • Default description when using the Quick Deposit changed to "Account Payment"
  • Status column added to Workshop Diary
  • Fixed POS payment with credit card surcharge to round
  • Fixed Core stock with customer option show unalloc credit in payment window to update the balance correctly


Published: 27/10/2023
  • National Parts locator feature updated to allow Multi Locations to each have individual files
  • Feature added to allow reversing a supplier allocation payment
  • A "Customer Price" dropdown selection added to Stock Sales by Group report. The report will only show sales for customers with the selected stock price
  • Change stock code now updates the last modified date using the current computer date
  • When font 8 is selected, the Cust Master will no longer blank out filter tabs
  • For Job Invoicing, the "Print Stock Code" option is now based on what is selected in the Customers masterfile
  • Sales Module - Asset register now has a record counter
  • New AMWTools option added under Others to remove hidden/invalid characters from Customers, Suppliers, Stock and Job Item file
  • Bug fixed to allow Branch Stock Lookup to be shown for non ARB users
  • Sales Module - Bug fixed so that GST does not rise when clicking on the Finance button
  • Purchase order now has right click option to show new Other Stock window
  • Short key for Scheduler Log Notes changed from Alt to Alt-N
  • Negative Payments are now allowed to be reversed
  • Customer Details tab in Jobs now displays user defined field labels


Published: 29/09/2023
  • Overseas Postcodes will no longer get cut off for customer and supplier windows
  • Levy in Job Invoicing, enable to enter Discount as 100%
  • Customer Master File > Enable both Monthly account Fee and Monthly Fee percent
  • Clone to Customer no longer showing error
  • Existing job for Asset can now be accessed from Asset Sales screen
  • Error fixed when invoicing a revenue line
  • Full Fleet number now can be seen when viewing the Job Item from Customer Masterfile
  • Sales Module fixed for suspended items not to show in Hire List. Availability window now has Type filter option.
  • Screens fixed to no longer switch around after printing or emailing
  • Ability added to change security level required to delete jobs from Workshop Diary
  • Customer order select window - added option to sort by Init column
  • Supplier purchase order export added for Wacker
  • New sales report "Sales Person Generated Sales" report added
  • Assethire > Reports > Hire > Locations & Customer - add option to sort by location or customer
  • Creating job from sales module now brings across a due date


Published: 11/09/2023
  • Feature added to limit users from finalising low margin jobs, orders and POS sales
  • Option to disable a location from showing in Location Inventory Lookup
  • Private notes from highlighted customer no longer get placed under new customer
  • Customer Code change bug fixes
  • Goods In - bug fixes for stock on hand qty and allocation getting updated
  • Job No added to Stock Enquiry Screen
  • Ability to set the Security Level for Low Margin Jobs
  • For Low Profit Jobs, password is required if set it Control File
  • For Low Profit Jobs, password is required if set it Control File
  • Lightning Integration - Option added to select posting date
  • Option 307 added - New Jobs will default to having Booked and Due date as blank
  • Cheque field removed from Floorplan payment as it was duplicated by the reference field
  • Sales Module sales invoice format 3 now checks customer and prospect for ABN number
  • Sales module > Accessories fixed to have Enter key work on Price field when adding parts/Rev/Labour
  • Sales module accessories fixed to allow labour or revenue as first line


Published: 07/08/2023
  • Sales Order from Sales Module - Open attached job now attempts to update customer on job when applicable
  • Customer Orders and Job Invoicing has both Quick Deposit and full Deposit buttons. Quick Deposit screen updated to make Total Inc Charges editable
  • Multi Loc Dispatch - Now able to delete job even if it not in progress
  • Write Off Asset dated back to last year fixed to enter correct amounts into correct ledgers
  • Deposit and Q Deposit button now moves with screen resize
  • Scheduler Linked Tasks - Fixed Completely
  • Option 305 "Dont Print Job Description on Invoice" added
  • Development made to allow KM to be updated from iOS app
  • Average Cost will no longer be updated to be same as Cost Ex GST at end of year financial clear
  • Job Num / Name & "Job Num / Job Desc" added to Scheduler task display option
  • When Purchase Order is made or a Goods In is Finalised, the Supplier and Reference order will now be updated on the stock items on jobs
  • Tab order improved to make payments easier
  • Credit Card Surcharge now shown on customer payment receipt
  • Security Control for deleting supplier invoices no longer uses "Allow Ledger in Enquiry" level but it now uses "Delete Invoices" level
  • Invoice with deleted couriers can now still be reprinted
  • AMWTools Level option added to Security Control
  • Adding Asset Item from Purchase Order now allows free type for Make and Model
  • Delete Supplier Credits feature added
  • New Purge Unused Make and Models option added to AMWin Tools
  • Print Preview window updated to have a more recognisable close button
  • Fixed error when adding new stock - UID now increments
  • Employee File Attendance button spelling error fixed
  • Open allocated job by right clicking from the purchase order
  • 100x150 Label - Part Number was removed when printing from Job invoicing, it will still print from PO and Goods In
  • Option to not show price change window for purchases/credits
  • Job Card 5: Fixed Location, Out Date and Stock Ref
  • Terminated Employees will appear with correct name on reports
  • Stocktake backdated to previous financial year will keep balance sheet in balance
  • 100x150 label added for purchase orders and goods in
  • Purchase order kits now allows for expense ledgers to be selected
  • iOS App now uses Job Item address. If there is no Job Item address, it uses Cust Address as before
  • Created and Status field added to Convert Stockfile to ASCII
  • Bug fixed where Scheduler Linked Tasks information was not getting updated
  • Customer Order Quotes no longer showing in Job Quotes
  • Scheduler task inserted uses highlighted date instead of current date
  • UID added to Stockfile
  • Job Card 5 - Quantity fixed
  • Available Qty now showing correct number when fetching from outside of AM-Win
  • Jobs and Orders can be finalised with Term Limit been reached - Warning shows instead of blocking it
  • Option added to auto update only Average Cost of parts from a purchase orders
  • New simplified Deposit window
  • Error message modified for Goods In having parts on a finalised job
  • Resolved various issues around selling and crediting stock kit when items in kit had qty > 1
  • Stock Sales by Group now has Sub Group option
  • Prompt to Save appears on close when changes made to a Purchase Order
  • Duplicate search button removed from Select Purchase Order window
  • Quick Deposit window displays Total and Total Including Charges
  • ARB Stock Lookup new update implemented
  • Tag All button and Due Date selector added to Recurring Invoices Module
  • ARB Stock Shows location name in table and not location number
  • Qty control improved for Kits added on both jobs and Sales in Asset Manager
  • Parts added by cloning a previous job can now be added to the bucket as well
  • Job Management Report updated format
  • Serialised stocktake now has "Don’t Show Zero Stock" option fixed
  • Spend money now shows the description instead of "Dissection" on GST Sales and Purchase reports
  • Merge Customer/Supplier in AMWTools error code fixed
  • Fixes to amounts when Journal Entry are changed
  • Resolved issue of Sale of kit (Not exploded) not showing on stock sales reports
  • Changes made to Supplier Payments to reduce Error 40 Duplicate Key coming up
  • Repco - Parts added to stock file now get cost as per business option setup if not provided by Repco


Published: 26/05/2023
  • Employee Productivity feature added
  • Add to bucket all parts + Required stock options is now using Multi Location Preferred supplier and not only from Head Office
  • Added stock option "Record serial when sold"
  • Customer order - courier labels - fixed printer name not showing in full
  • Job invoicing - moving sub total line up or down was not recalculating until job saved
  • Job invoicing description will now default to being blank if Force Job Description option turned on
  • Scheduler & Time Manager > Employee file > removed delete - Can still be deleted from Ledger > Employee File
  • Customer order invoice - fixed delivery address was not always displaying state & post code
  • Added stock option - Dont show price change window from purchasing
  • Stock masterfile - resolved being able to open job/order/enquiry window without appropriate access level
  • Asset Register > Reports > General > Asset Register - added fleet number to this report
  • Customer orders - resolved sometimes displaying Parts heading when Dont show stock codes selected
  • Reports > Stock > Serialised Stock - added option to filter by Reserved or On Hand & Reserved
  • Stock > Stock Transfer/Stocktake - resolved issue of this not working with reserved serial numbers
  • Job invoice format 17 now picks up user defined odometer label
  • Supplier EFT payments window no longer displays negative values to avoid accidental payment
  • Customer order invoice - fixed this invoice type was displaying estimate text footer
  • New job card format 5
  • Item Register > Report > Form 2 - resolved Odometer not auto populating
  • Job invoicing - fixed importing from existing job not allowing sometimes to add parts to bucket
  • Workshop Diary can now be sorted by Due In or Due Out times
  • Manufacturing now recognises stock option Ignore Price Group Multiplier
  • Daily Sales report - added option to display serial numbers that were sold
  • Purchase order - added Magnifying glass option to search for a part on the purchase order
  • Inserting new customer from job invoicing - fixed ability to select bill to
  • Convert Stock File to ASCII - added Status & created date filter. Also added addition invoice info to export
  • Stock Report By Group Status spelling error fixed
  • Job Invoicing - added option to merge multiple jobs for one customer into 1 job
  • Job Diary & Workshop Diary staff availability can now be set per day
  • Job invoicing format 1 & 27 added sub total for RRP
  • AM-Win to Hubspot integration feature added
  • Job invoicing formats will now show 0.00 if nil balance owing on invoice
  • Added option for Amwin to track customer & supplier balances in foreign currency
  • Bank Rec - added refresh button
  • Statement manager - resolved issue of incorrect mail merge info when using Balance C/Forward
  • Bankrec now shows all unreconciled transactions even if forward dated
  • Internal invoicing - resolved issue in V11 of these transactions not appearing in customer enquiry
  • Job Diary - added second notes field option
  • Customer masterfile & Rego File - Job & Orders button will now show error if customer is suspended
  • Customer order invoice formats will now show 0.00 if there is a nil balance owing on invoice
  • Sales module > Asset Sales Profit Report - corrected Sale Ex Value if accessories sold with discount
  • Purchase order format 11 - allowed more room for an extra character of stock code to display
  • Sales Module > Item Register - added field to select and save Fuel Type
  • Sales module > Finance window - resolved Trade In GST showing incorrect in some circumstances
  • Spend money allocated as expense to item - corrected non principal entries affecting Notional GST
  • Resolved superseded stock adding new item with old items pricing
  • Stock masterfile > Stocktake button window will now auto close after processing
  • Principal payment will now ignore ledger selected by user and instead use floorplan liability ledger
  • Customer masterfile > SIP tab - resolved issue of Order number not showing if it contains letters
  • Customer credit return - when serialised stock selected it no longer defaults to selecting first serial
  • Sales module - resolved issue of payments total sometimes being zero when opening sales order
  • Customer Order & Job invoicing window can now be resized vertically to show more details on the screen
  • Customer order invoice format 8 now displays Rep as operator for Last Changed By
  • Added Report > Stock > Valuation > Stock Location Summary
  • Attributes - Colour can now be up to 20 characters
  • Customer Aged Analysis when opened will now default to multi location > customers location
  • Customer orders - for customer with usual courier an no fixed price, fixed price on courier will be used
  • Sales Module > Sales Order > Clicking job button will update customer on job to customer on sale
  • Stats report - added option to include progressively invoiced lines
  • Customer orders - selling serialised stock with create job item, was not creating the job item
  • Time Manager > Time Sheet Report - resolved exported file was missing info from printed version
  • Customer & supplier aged analysis now has improved loading speed
  • Stock Enquiry window now has a customer bill to option
  • Deleting customer credit - resolved issue of stock being increased
  • Item Register - Added On Order tab for catalog items
  • Job Invoicing > Cust Details tab - add Alert Value, which will give warning when job exceeds value
  • Business option changed to set default from date for estimates only, no longer set for Jobs & Orders
  • Customer orders & Jobs - resolved issue of average cost getting charged less GST to internal customer
  • Customer orders - resolved issue of Revenue item stock on hand getting updated in multi locations
  • Customer orders - changing qty to zero, then changing price was not saving the price
  • Change spend money window will now allow changes if processed in open GST period
  • Purchase order > Item button - condition is now mandatory + Parts, Labour, Revenue no longer mandatory
  • Statement format 9 can now display 20 character customer order number
  • Plant Register > Ledgers/Expenses tab - resolved some issues causing expenses to show in asset total
  • Purchase order & goods in - adding expense ledger and selecting GST Type N/A was adding GST
  • Ledger > Asset Register - corrected security option being applied this menu option
  • Change spend money - resolved issue of changing ledger was given left to post error
  • Fix for Change Spend month - changing ledger code was causing description to default to X
  • Customer orders - resolved changing sub total and then putting item on back order was losing pricing
  • Purchase/Credit - resolved issue of June & July invoice being entered together getting wrong GST period
  • Progressive invoice - resolved allocation payment greater than deposit was not updating deposit value
  • Purchase order > Resolved received report was based on ordered qty, changed to received qty
  • Update button renamed to "Add" in the Modify screen for Stock Masterfile MultiLoc Stock
  • When converting EST to JOB Dont update checkbox will automatically get ticked
  • Resolved Auto Goods In Repeat supplier option not working if Dont print goods delivery report also on
  • Invoices & Payments at a glance - Others value includes customer order freight, is now ex GST value
  • Stock enquiry window now shows customers order number in bottom right
  • Goods in - resolved issue on non existing ledgers being able to be added
  • Sales module invoice format 3 > Sales order status will print as Proforma unless typed different
  • Stock masterfile > Enquiry - applied security to Ledger button
  • Supplier masterfile > applied security to Purchase and Credit buttons
  • Spend money - applied security to Enquiry button
  • Job invoicing - when adding Parts, Labour, Revenue unit cost & total cost is now displayed
  • Stocktake batch - resolved issue of error when creating and processing new multi location batch
  • Purchase order and Goods now has option for barcode label without auto prompting on finalise
  • Batch Stocktake fixed to now save to logged on Location instead of always saving to Head Office
  • Job invoicing - parts, labour, revenue lines will now show unit cost and total cost
  • Purchase order now has option to enter payment due date if blank supplier terms will be applied
  • Sales module WIP report now displays calculated balance owed of each sale
  • Sales module invoice format 3 now allows conditions other than New or Used to be displayed
  • Customer credit - resolved issue of crediting a stock kit incorrectly decreasing stock level
  • Resolved issue of customer ageing not being correct when posting invoice to next month with Alloc pmt
  • Customer orders - sale of not exploded stock kit with kit item qty > 1 corrected COGS
  • Added security option to block ability to delete labour lines
  • Manufacturing - resolved issue of this sometimes not allowing a job to be revised
  • Daily Sales report now defaults to All invoices instead of POS
  • Prospect file - resolved issue of this window causing customer to lose attach batch invoices setting
  • BMW Pricefiles can be imported to Winparts using custom program to convert to CSV
  • Customer order - Order due date now defaults to today instead of applying payment terms
  • Sales module - resolved issue of opening sales order sometimes showing zero payments
  • Daily sales report disply updated from 6 characters to 8 characters
  • Prospect masterfile - resolved issue of customer being changed to price 1 if not already price 1
  • Invoice Register - relabelled Others to Freight & Rounding + corrected GP %
  • Remove redundant supplier now accounts for last purchase date and created date
  • Budget reports - "Ignore zero budget balance" option fixed to come from correct field
  • Daily Sales report - now shows cost of credits as negative value
  • Customer order estimate no longer blocked if customer over credit limit
  • Purchase Order - Resolved issue with Kubota export format
  • Screen Size settings added for Sales Module
  • Sales module > Asset Sales Profit Report - amended export to have sale price ex GST
  • Purchase order - Resolved issue when using Item button was incorrectly changing item back to Active
  • Purchasing catalog item - resolved issue of purchase price of catalog item changing when purchased
  • AMWTools - Remove Redundant Stock now has option to not remove items on order
  • Stock data tool - Using last sale date will no longer pick up items that are on order
  • Honda purchase order export now has option to select daily or stock order
  • Customer orders - resolved issue of right clicking on a detail line causing all lines to be marked as Issued
  • Job Diary - added area to enter notes
  • Customer orders - corrected tab order and alignment of various text fields and buttons
  • Asset valuation export - separated the manufactured date from the make field
  • Reports > Stock > Stock - By Group > Sales report export - added Pref Supp & Bin Location
  • Customer orders - emailing invoice - fixed scroll bar so all email addresses can be accessed