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The Item register records all of the relevant details of the Item. This module fully caters for the purchase, sale and charge out of Item. It also provides for multiple attachments to an Item. These Items and attachments can be tracked for income, expenses, service and maintenance, depreciation on both diminishing and straight line calculations and profitability based on life to date and individual hire contracts. These details can be generated for the Item and attachments individually or jointly.

Furthermore, the Item register allows for full servicing schedules as well as service and breakdown history of the item for its lifetime as well as the transfers of this history when the Item is sold in the event that you continue to service the Item for its new owner. For lease, hire purchase, outright purchase, consignment and floor plan features are available for the tracking of the operating expenses versus income of the Item. The Item register automatically links live to the general ledger for the processing of depreciation, other expense and income items. The Item Management system consists of 4 main areas.